Animations of the Movie Moana 2016

Image result for Animations of the movie Moana 2016The Polynesian Princess Moana is going to break the monotony of ‘Frog and Frozen’ stereotypes. More racial barriers are broken with diversifying the Disney princess realm. The sea voyaging adventurist with the help of her family in tow with real mythology, including a demi-god, Maui. With all ingredients in place, the 3 D studio and the creative animation wizards, Moana is no doubt going to be the best animation film of this year.

A sort of sequel to the animation movies like ‘The Little Mermaid’ and ‘Aladdin, Disney seems to have injected more ideas and animation software to make Moana even better. The princess is colourful to the core, with befitting costumes.

The rightful heir as the princess, Moana the daughter of a Pacific Islands chieftain faces obstacles. Even Her boyfriend, the Polynesian demigod Maui tells her, “If you wear a dress and have an animal sidekick, you’re a princess.”

The identity crisis and transformation of the princess give the animation team enough food for animation. The old hand-drawn animation technique is not entirely forgotten but is used conspicuously. Set mostly on the open sea, which can be as dull a place as the driest desert, “Moana” never lingers long enough for the energy to stagnate. The genius of the animators is clearly evident here.

Against her father’s advice to stay on land, the princess is all out to explore the mystery of the sea. The make believes caricature and blue eaters are merged dramatically. All the myriad ways and silhouetting skills are done realistically. Compared to the “Beauty and the Beast’ the physique of the princess is made proportional. The depth of the screenshots is almost with scale precision.

Moana’s expressions seem more consistent with Disney’s classic 2D character form. All the subtleties of performance are possible in hand-drawn animation. Meanwhile, liberated by the possibilities of Computer Graphics, the virtual camera is free to swoop and surround the characters in dynamic ways. There is the challenge of animating water itself.

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