Archive for May, 2016


Kung Fu Panda 3 is one of the most awaited sequels out there. The first two Kung Fu Panda films became hits in the cinema to all age levels. Due to the great story line, music, and of course, the digital animation, the animated film captures attention of the people and is renowned internationally. And as the next sequel was introduced to the public, it is expected that the film retains it captivating animation.

DreamWorks animation is a featured producer of most-watched animated films such as How to Train Your Dragon, Shrek, The Croods, and a lot more movies. And as the producer of Kung Fu Panda, DreamWorks and the staffs worked for a good 3D animation through advanced usage of technology, and well trained animators. Being among the top five grossing movies of 2016, directors Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni, including the producer Melissa Cobb, has invested a lot of efforts and money on the creation of the film. This is evident in the hiring of awarded voice actors and actresses to take over the voices of the characters. Some of which are renowned actors Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, and Jackie Chan.

The new Kung Fu Panda 3 still revolves around the story of the Dragon Warrior, Po. Surprisingly, his long lost father showed up and took Po with him and they began their adventure towards the secret panda paradise so Po can meet other pandas. However, on the other side of the coin, the movie’s main antagonist Kai is taking down Kung Fu masters across the country, which led him to have an epic battle with the Dragon Warrior.

The movie after its showing in the cinemas, received overwhelming applause and good feedback. After the movie release, people are anticipating on the next sequel of the film.


Director Ashkan Rahgozar of Hoorakhsh Studios has crafted a promising animated movie, ‘The Last Fiction’, with a firm belief that the graphic novel will land on the global marketplace and will go viral throughout the globe. The animated Iranian feature has a plot mixed with action, mystery, suspense, and magic that aims to hit the adult and young adult audience.

After releasing the first trailer and second trailer on May 1 and 16, respectively, the crew has let the public view a snip of the entire movie and the sophisticated quality of the animation. This animated film aims to redefine Iranian feature animation as it was presented to the Cannes Film Festival, and would certainly hope to reach the international standard and be distributed internationally.

Native Iranians are familiar with the storyline of the movie since the film was based from the classic plot of ‘The Book of Kings’. The literary work was written by the poet Ferdowsi, who featured an epic storyline in a Persian culture setting that highlighted some epic battles, fictional monsters based from the country’s ancient myths. The 2D animated film revolves around the emperor Jamshid as he haunts down devils that atrociously reign in their place. However, the director Raghozar butted in that the movie is a mix of entertainment at the same time filled with lessons to learn. Aside from heroism and courage, he said that evil villains can be transformed into good characters, and vice versa with the protagonist—it all just depends on the choice that the character has to make.

The movie is expected to be released by the month of November 2017 since currently the film is still undergoing series of polishing and finishing touches to fully offer entertainment satisfaction to the audiences. However, while it’s under construction, the movie is already a hot topic not just in the country, but advertised in all other countries. Hopefully, this animated film will redefine Iranian animations and will gear up to compete internationally.


The word “Thalaiver” is used to describe the superstar Rajnikanth and is in no way a misplacement of honor. “Thalaiver” basically translates to the boss or leader. It is derived from the Tamil word “thala” meaning the person who leads the people. This particular word was coined to refer to Rajnikanth Ji, who was in the Hindi movie (Chennai Express) and has been one of the most popular and loved appraising title for the hero of the masses.

Now, it can be a question of how is it possible to call an actor a hero of the masses. Well, the fact is truly greater than fiction and is well-known amongst the fans of the superstar. Originally named as Shivaji Rao Gaekwad, Rajnikanth made his entry into the film industry through a controversial film, but later went on to win the National Film Awards for the super successful works in mainstream movies. He went on with his experiments at the time when every possible star would have chosen to play safe. By dedication his entire concentration and talent to the film industry, Rajnikanth Ji has been successful in maintaining his ‘larger than life but down to earth’ image.

Besides his contributions in films, he is known to be involved in several social causes. From campaigning for the donation of body parts after death (at the time when this practice hindered by superstitions) to supporting the movement of Anti-corruption and leading his fans to arrange blood donation as well as eye camps. The presence of Rajnikanth Ji as the true leader has been aspiring. He made his biographer hide the facts of his donation of half his income for charity along with arrangements for food distribution on his birthday, but this just clarifies the appropriateness of the title of “Thalaiver’.

Real Benefits of Using Animation in the Classroom

Animation is very popular, and with kids, it has been all the more successful making it easier to foster learning in classrooms as well as at home. There has been a massive range of animation tools available to aid in teaching and making the environment more friendly for kids all around.

The Real Benefits of Using Animation in the Classroom

  1. Communication Skills: Every student is different and so is their learning style. The traditional way of learning is not always grasped easily by every student, but animation can play a very important role. It constructively encourages students to communicate and be creative. It frees them from the anxiety of worrying and fosters creative learning by introducing characters to which kids can easily relate.


  1. Bringing Closer: Thanks to the technological advancements, creating animation is not a rocket science and the best part is that you may share your creations with your peer group as well. This provides the kids with an opportunity to have global exposure and come close to people from all over the world.


  1. Self-expression: Many students find self-expression to be challenging. Animation gives them an opportunity to express themselves with the readymade characters of the animation tools and nicely putting them together in the pre-drawn environments, keeping all the powers with the students to choose everything right from the very beginning.


  1. Technical Skills: While there is the availability of a wide range of animation tools, it can also provide a great learning of difficult technical skills too for the older students. Some tools even allow the students to use algebraic and calculus functions to create 3D animations!


  1. Presentation Skills: Another excellent point about animation is its dynamic platform wherein the students find interest and remain engaged. Animation encourages them to make the best of their presentations, connect visually with their audience, etc. which is a must require skill to survive in the world of today.