Archive for July, 2015

The Iron Giant; Shows an Excellent Amalgamation of Art and Animation

Today’s film industry is full of variety of different categories of films; that’s why it is offering a good source of fun and enjoyment. Technology has made possible to view the movies made all over the world in any area of world. I am fond of watching movies from my teens, at early age I was interested in watching animated cartoons and this interest in cartoons did not finish with the passage of time.

As I grew old, I preferred to see animated movies showing the good combination of art and artificial characters, though there are thousands of such films and being seen and appreciated by viewers all over the world but I want to appreciate the making team of The Iron Giant as it is seen as one of the best animated movies which are not Disney Animated movies. Assessors are still feeling hard in arguing with this ranking.

Basically, the main animated character in this movie is a metal robot named as iron giant and it was found by a young boy name Hogarth when it was fallen from space. At this time, Hogarth lost this robot but after some days he decided to look for it again and he succeed in his mission, now they both were good friends. Most astonishing fact about this robot was that it lost its memory and had no idea about the earth and its community.

Interestingly, when they were on the way back to home, the giant robot started to eat railway tracks and it was very devastating for the passengers if any train would come on that time. Fortunately, Hogarth listened and noticed a voice of coming train and ordered to his friend to repair it but he was crushed with train when was doing it. Hogarth decided to hide this robot in the barn of his house as the parts of iron giant were in the process of auto repair and auto assembling. It is a small introduction part of this movie, which I explained here. The full movie is based on a very interesting story as Hogarth trained this robot and also saved it form US Army.

In short, it is not a newly released movie but has an excellent and adorable animated styles and actions. In my view, this movie can be seen by any age group and is enjoyable for anybody who loves to see animated movies.


Who doesn’t like eating? I know for me, food is a natural addiction. We all crave a certain type of food sometimes, and we enjoy eating. It’s a time of peace and rest where we rejuvenate our bodies with nutrients. Pixar’s film Ratatouille shows an ironic main character: a rat who we think of as filthy animals, as an intelligent chef who helps his human friend. Now there’s a lot of irony and sarcasm in many animated films, but how they created this film to bring light unto a species we may despise is art. Another irony is that the human chef (Alfredo Linguini) is the son of the deceased restaurant owner.

This rat, although he helps a human chef, also has family and friends. In fact, the whole society of rats is shown in this film as we think naturally of them. However, he goes against all odds, rejecting his friends’ family’s even society’s norms to become an even better chef than a human using his brilliant nose and sense of smell. Like the headline in the image above states, he risks it all to become a chef which is why the film is so noble.

The film in general also brings an exotic aspect as it’s not exactly “American.” The image above also shows you how to pronounce the title. The film takes place in Paris, France. Although there are some conversations with weird accents, most of the film is very much conversed in “normal” English. However, the environment and the use of visuals to show the exoticness of the setting is quite appealing and maybe even more fit than America’s setting and its stereotype of unhealthy food.

Through friendship and hardship, Remy (the rat) overcame everything in order to achieve his dream with a very nice side offer too (watch until the end to find out!). The adventures are never-ending and the best part is, it’s not too predictable.