Archive for May, 2015

Tom and Jerry

One of my favorite animated series of all time is Tom and Jerry. Although old, it’s a classic that has been through generations and many episodes as well as movies. If you’ve never seen Tom and Jerry, it’s a classic cat vs. mouse scenario where the mouse makes trouble and the cat tries to catch him. The irony however is that the mouse is most often seen as the bad guy as he tries to get rid of the pest. Throughout the years, both the cat and mouse have been through good and bad and although some friendship and comradery can be seen, the fun in the series is the conflict between the two.
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Although there are many conflicts between the two, what’s interesting is that there’s almost no dialect between the cat and mouse. It’s almost natural but odd at the same time. Most of the vocal sounds produced are the sounds of pain and agony from either the cat of mouse inflicting pain onto each other. It sounds violent, but the film in general is very creative in how it’s done. It’s usually done through the use of a domino effect from pulling the rug leading to the falling of a vase onto other scenarios and etc.

The choice of music is also cleverly used. As a music major, I really appreciated the use of classical music to incorporate the events placed out throughout the series and films. Unlike most animated series and films today, Tom and Jerry really emphasized in not producing bad linguistics completely which I found very honorable considering the immense amount of language both direct and indirect used today.

Overall, I think Tom and Jerry is really made perfect for both the young and old containing brilliant ideas of revenge and breaking our predictions, while at the same time, keeping us in suspense to see what will happen throughout the chain.

Attack on Titans

If I asked most people what they know about anime, they would give me examples like Naruto or One Piece. However, one uprising anime is “Attack on Titans.” The name could be self-explanatory, but it’s about a city that is caged by 50 meter high walls in order to defend against Titans. These titans are rampaging nude giants that feed upon humans. In order to defend against titans, the government made three branches of military all equipped to kill titans. However, this isn’t just a war plot. The government and military soon finds out that there’s a reason that Titans exist and that the special Titans could be humans themselves.
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Eren, the main character of this anime series, sees his mother killed by a Titan and vows that he will slay them all. His father a scientists has not been killed but left for work and during this time, Eren enrolls in the military and finds comrades to fight against. Hajime Isayama the author of “Attack on Titans” breaks our predictions in every possible way except one which is that the main character does not die.  Full of plot twists, there might be quite some dissatisfaction in what happens, but every episode will keep you at the edge of your seat.