The Pianist

As a pianist, I never thought that a film simply called The Pianist would be that great or even touching. My reaction? The complete opposite. I was flipping the channels until I saw a scene of the main character playing the piano for the Nazi soldier. I just had to watch the film from the beginning. About a Polish-Jewish Pianist named Wladyslaw Szpilman, the film takes time during World War II and the dramatic changes of the environment and war can clearly be seen particularly during the beginning of the film. From being famous to having to hide, from rich to poor, there are many motifs in the film that just makes it that much more interesting and dramatic.
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One of my pet peeves when watching films with scenes with actors performing or playing instruments is that the action never matches the sound. Often times I see violinists with terrible poses, with bowings not in sync with the music or pianists who play in the lower keys of the piano while the music heard is played on the higher keys and such. Although the actor in The Pianist is not the one who played the piano himself, the scenes and his facial expressions were flawless.

The film is based on a true story of a pianist’s escape from the Nazis during World War II.  Released in 2002, The Pianist has won many awards since including Oscar for Best Director, Best Actor, etc. If there was one film I would recommend to anyone, I would recommend The Pianist regardless of whether the audience loves classical or not. This film will make one fall in love with classical music by itself.

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